Saturday, June 27, 2009


People, people...

I'm getting to know my co-workers at Africa Recruit better. I went to lunch with my fellow intern, a young lady from Malaysia. Turns out she's from KL, where I've been most years when my mother visits her family. Very interesting history on how she wound up here.

I wound up talking to DolphinCheddar again. She is coolness. We talked about stuff. About relationships, too. Afterwards, reflecting on her, I realized just how much she has contributed to the things I enjoy. Gunnerkrigg Court, Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc.

(Off-topic: Have you ever seen those "Want to find a date in [your city]?" ads? They always have all these pictures of girls posing half-naked, trying to be sexy. But that doesn't eally appeal to myself or DolphinCheddar, so we thought: instead of posting a picture, and trying to look sexily lewd, the people get to post a sentence, and see who they can attract off of that. Probably wouldn't work, but an interesting thought.)

I talked to Christy a bit, too. Told her about my Westnoth victory. We resolved to play a two-person game together sometime.

I found out that my friend Carolyn is leaving on the 4th of July. She's the person whose personality appeals to me the most here. It's sad to know she is going. She's in Dublin right now, and then we have our internships, and then she goes. Sad.

I saw a paraplegic in a ballet/moderndance performance, over in Greenwich. Watching him dance so gracefully in his wheelchair was rather inspirational. I wonder what drive got him there in life?

Two of my best friends want to date me. Don't know what to do to avoid hurting someone, or hurting both of them... At least I'm highly attracted to both of them, so it's not a matter of getting what I want as well.

One of my flatmates had a bad night last night. Did my best to help. I wonder if that means that we will be more friendly with each other now? I guess everyone leaves in a few weeks, though...

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