Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Movies on a Plane

I watched three movies on the way over the Atlantic (Traveling from London to Calgary, as it were).

Watchmen was pretty good. My version was censored, so I didn't get to see the vaunted Big Blue Penis. Other than that, I thought it was well done, though I wish that the hero-types didn't occasionally kick people completely accross rooms with... strength they are not supposed to have. Ozymandias, I can see. He's supposed to be the absolute peak of physical conditioning, to the point of being unnatural - the other ones? Not so much. Also, the second Nite Hawk was too slim. C'Mon, he's supposed to be a bit overweight. I liked him like that.

Push was... meh. I have to say that it was a pretty decent movie. It has a complicated plot, the characters are okay, and the special effects are pretty cool. But the thing that really drives me up the wall is how much potencial the setting has. I wouldn't be surprised if there are fan-fics that are better than the movie. Hell, I'd write a fan-fic set in the same setting. Not because the movie was actually good--it's just decent--but because the setting is open to so many possiblities. It's like someone wrote a mediocre plot, with mediocre characters, and then handed the setting creation to someone like me. Someone who was given the needs of the plot, and went crazy with creating a flavorful and world-comprehensive setting.

Coraline was really good. I liked it a lot. Started out a bit slow, but after the first few minutes (I'd mark it as about when she meets the circus man, and then the two old ladies, a bit later) it starts going all kinds of cool. Reminds me of Psychonauts a lot. That's a good thing. You should see the movie.

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