[[Edit: This has been done before, unsuprisingly.]]
Pure Fluxx
Players: Three+
Materials: A lot of identical note-cards.
Rules: At the beginning of each turn, the active player draws a card or writes up a card.
(Writing a card has to be approved by at the majority of other players, and puts it into their hand. Each card describe or adds some part of the game.
If the rule contradicts existing rules, the rules conflicted with are put into the discard pile.
A rule can change any part of the game.
If the application of the rules is disputed, they are voted upon by the players, majority interpretation wins.
If the rule allows one or more players to win, then all players must agree upon it.
If parts of the original rules are broken, the broken parts are written on a card and discarded.)
The active player may then play the card from his or her hand.
Starting terms:
Zones: Pre-defined areas where cards can exist. Individual and universal
Hand: A zone for each player. Any card in a hand is naturally only viewed by the player. The starting rules also have the active player play a card from his hand. Cards are "in hand"
Active: These are the rules, objects, etc., that are in play, and affect all players equally. They are placed in the middle between the players, and can be seen by all players. Cards are "active".
Control: These are the cards that, while active, have special effects relative to their "controller." While on the table and visible to all, they are put directly in front of a player. Cards are "under the control of [player name]"
Library: These are the cards that are hidden from all players in a face-down pile of cards somewhere reachable on the table. The committing the action "Draw a card" refers to putting the top card of the library into your hand without revealing it to everyone else. If someone tries to draw a card when the library is empty, the Recycle Bin is shuffled, and turned into the library. If the recycle bin is also empty, then the player writes up a new card instead.
Recycle bin: These are the cards that have been contradicted by other cards, or otherwise inactive. They are piled face-up, revealed to all players, somewhere not to be confused with the active cards.
Card types: These are different sorts of cards, and are handled differently, mechanically. Main types and sub-types.
Static: Maintype. Rules, and other cards that stay in play.
One-time: Maintype. Cards that have an effect, then leave play.
Responsive: Static or one-time cards that may be played whenever the conditions on them are true.
Goal: Cards that allow a player or players to win. Must be approved by all players when written.
Actions: Terms that cause a player to do something.
Play: Do what is written on the card being played. Short for a longer action.
Discard: Put the card being discarded into the discard pile.
Suggestions: Have fun, don't be a dick, have a meaningful game, use your rules to fix the game. And remember that games are to have fun.
I think this has already been done - I found it a month or two ago, under some other name.