Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Austin has a little questionnaire.


2. Last Phone Call = Rachel Powell

3. Last Text Message = (To Courtney Snyder:) Terrace

5. Last Time You Cried = Don't remember (within the last month, though).



6. Dated Someone Twice = I have dated two people twice.

7. Been Cheated On = Yes, but I was okay with it when I found out.

9. Lost Someone Special = One of my friends from study abroad killed himself, as did the father of a friend, but those are the only dead people I had known directly.

10. Been Depressed = Heh. Yes.

11. Been Drunk & Threw Up = Nope!

12. Have you ever wanted a tattoo? What of? = Wanted? No. Considered, yes: A clean, neat tattoo of my sigil on my shoulder.



16. Fallen Out Of Love = Indeed. It happens.

21. Fallen IN Love? = Oh yes. ^.^

22. How Many People On Your FB Friends List Do You Know In Real Life = About 400 of them. With few exceptions, I won't friend someone I haven't met IRL. Which is to say only a few folks from the Seraph-Inn webforum are FB friends I haven't met.

25. Do You Want To Change Your Name = I want to change my last name. It is long and clunky right now. I'll probably take my future wife's name.

28. What Were You Doing At Midnight Last Night = Realizing that the Gamecube was on, and that I had left it on in the middle of a battle of Gladius. I finished the battle, saved, and turned it off. Midnight was somewhere in that all.

37. Nickname(s) = My grandfather was named Wilford, and when my grandmother found out that I was being named Wilford, she asked that it not be warped into nicknames. So no. But some people do call me things, but that's just specific people.

47. Do You Have A Crush On Someone ? = Yes. Certain people out there. But I tend not to obsess.



64. Want Kids ? = Probably not. I might adopt though.

65. Get Married ? = Probably yes. I'd like to find a wonderful someone and settle down and live together forever (or at least a couple of centuries).

66. Career = Dunno!


67. Lips Or Eyes = Eyes. Lips are a bit weird.

68. Hugs Or Kisses = Hugs. Hugs are wonderful. Probably a sensory integration disorder thing. But they're something about them.

70. Older Or Younger = Younger seems to work out better, but my sample size is small. Don't think it matters that much.

72. Nice Stomach Or Nice Arms = Are waist-curves part of the stomach? If so, then those. I mean, the stomach.

74. Hook-up Or Relationship = Whatever is nice and fun and happy. Both hook-ups and relationships can go either way, you know. Of course, that said, relationships are so much... More.

75. Which do you prefer: Taller or Shorter? = Shorter? I dunno - never dated anyone taller than my lofty 5'9"



76. Kissed A Stranger = No?

77. Drank Hard Liquor = Nothing harder than Wine or Guinness. I don't think those are Liquors.

79. Sex On First Date = I was going to type "up to them" and "depends on what happens" but I think the answer is probably know. I mostly date from friends, though, so "first date" is a bit of an odd definition.

80. Broke Someone's Heart = I'm afraid so...

81. Had Your Own Heart Broken = To a considerable degree, yes.

82. Been Arrested = No. I am law-abiding to a fault. People have complained.

83. Turned Someone Down = I suppose so. It was more picking one person over another.

84. Cried When Someone Died = No. Just a sort of horrible grasping feeling in my chest and a sort of numb hollowness.

85. Fallen For A Friend = Yes. All of my relationships have stemmed from this. It's worked out fairly well. I mean, there were horribly break-ups, and at least two friendships destroyed, but I don't think I would have done much better if I dated people I didn't know. The relationships were good most of the time, and bad near the end. Bit of a sting from one broken promise to always remain friends no matter what.



86. Yourself = Probably.

87. Miracles = Nothing that can't be explained, but plenty of things that haven't been explained, if you caught my drift.

88. Love At First Sight = Of course not. Lust at first sight? Sure. Kinship at first sight? Sure. But love is... different, and takes time.

89. Heaven= Not in a conventional sense.

90. Santa Claus = No. I'm a jaded little kid.

91. God and Jesus Christ= Nope. Haven't been presented with sufficient evidence yet. Besides - some things seem really weird.

92. Angels = Not conventional religious Christian or Muslim ones. Some people are really swell, but I think most things I have encountered or expect to encounter have more accurate terms for them.

93. Life after Death = No - I'm pretty sure that after death comes being dead. A state of unconsciousness with permanent, irreversible, and eventually total brain damage. Which apparently sounds bad to some people, but seems pretty normal to me.

52 bonus questions by Austin (Since he removed a good deal):

1. What is one lie you have told someone? = I think I have mislead people concerning my appreciation of their writing. I mean, I want to encourage them, but I don't actually like everything I read. "It's interesting and I like some parts of it in particular - you should keep it up, and keep writing." Yeah. Jedi truths, buddy. They are pretty much lies.

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate yourself as? = 6. I am above average. Just like all the children from Lake Wobegong.

3. What's the meanest punishment your parents ever gave you, and what was it for? = Probably some time when I didn't get done stuff they wanted me to get done, and they denied me transportation, breaking my commitments with my friends.

4. What's the biggest turn off a person can have? = The slightest hit of being judgmental. I have fears about people judging me, and fear does not help my libido much.

5. What is one bad habit of yours? = I go to bed too late.

6. What do you usually sleep in? = A T-shirt and my underwear. Unless it's really hot, then just my underwear. This is part of why I prefer beds with curtains?

7. What is your favorite possession? = Mesaba, probably. But I have a long history of laptop love.

8. What is your favorite party game? = Apples to Apples, probably. Or Super Smash Brothers: Melee, but most parties don't have a whole lot of that.

9. When did you last laugh? = Earlier today, at certain occurrences during the video-chat with a dear friend.

10. What did you want to be when you grew up? = Nothing in particular, but a writer in my free time. Then a game designer in my free time. But nothing for the main career.

11. Which is better: To tell someone something that is kind, or to tell them something true? = I always go for truth. Sometimes a bit of Jedi truth, as mentioned over in Bonus question #1.

12. Describe a time you fell in love? = Love is something that happens over time, as you get to know someone. I spend months getting to know my lovely lady counterparts better, as I fall into love with them. I'm not going to describe months in a question.

13. When you're in trouble, who do you call for help? = Rachel Powell, probably. Unless something absolutely must be done, regardless of ethical concerns. Then I call my mother.

14. How did you get your name? = I was named after my grandfather and my great-grandfather. "Nil" is the name of an RP character back when I was 11 or so, and Aelaris is a character from The Liridan Rebellion.

More to come!

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